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TITLE: | Health Teaching PlanMedication Exercise Treatment Hygiene Outpatient |
IMAGE URL: | http://image.slidesharecdn.com/27447250-health-teaching-plan-for-dengue-hemorrhagic-fever-130911211925-phpapp01/95/27447250-healthteachingplanfordenguehemorrhagicfever-1-638.jpg?cb=1378934387 |
THUMBNAIL: | https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Meba945fe1a3850f5f2aefdc3e858810bo0&pid=Api&w=276&h=181 |
IMAGE SIZE: | 74795 B Bs |
IMAGE WIDTH: | 638 |
DOCUMENT ID: | OIP.Meba945fe1a3850f5f2aefdc3e858810bo0 |
MEDIA ID: | 62FB53FDEE061722892B1953D0736F362F8C3715 |
SOURCE DOMAIN: | slideshare.net |
SOURCE URL: | http://www.slideshare.net/yethan/27447250-healthteachingplanfordenguehemorrhagicfever |
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Long-term exposure to lung irritants that damage the lungs and the airways usually is the cause of COPD. In the United States, the most common irritant that causes COPD is cigarette smoke. Pipe, cigar, and other types of tobacco smoke also can cause COPD, especially if the smoke is inhaled. Curable COPD treatment